Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Grandma Wendy & Aubree

I thought you might like to see a proud "Grandma". Not that I'm not a proud Grandpa, but it hard to mistake to happiness Wendy feels to have a grandbaby around.

If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em!

Well, it seems like everybody else in the world is blogging and I'm starting to feel left out so I thought I may as well dive in and have a go at it. I'm still not sure why we blog and text and email instead of just picking up the phone and talking like we did in the"old days", but what the heck! I think back when I was growing up and the idea of a cell phone or a pager couldn't have even been conceived in a dream. We even had "party" lines where you could pick up the phone and hear somebody you didn't even know talking on the line. You had to wait your turn and if you talked too long they would get on and ask you to hang up so they could make a call. I'm guessing before long that blogging will be outdated and we'll move on to the next latest and greatest communication tool that still keeps us from actually talking to each other. Oh well!

As for Wendy and I, nothing seems to change. We both work day and night and usually get to the house about the same time - around 9-10 pm. We go to bed, wake up and do it all over the next day. I can tell already that this is going to be some exciting stuff for everybody to read. Anyway, I'll try to jump on here every now and then and give you the latest scoop.

Mont - Out!